ZDBC: The Future of Private Database Access

INTRODUCTION Not that much ago Google sent me an email because they'll retire Google IoT Core in August 2023. I actually have a small project of mine running there (maybe I'll talk about it in the future); thing is, I looked into AWS as part of the improvements I'm basically using some Databases Services (Aurora with PGSQL Backend and Redshift). As still I do have some things running on Google and there're some communications between those two I needed to provided i decided to improve my communications using my new OpenZiti network. ZDBC is an implementation of JDBC that leverages the communication to my Ziti network to provide secure and connections to databases. Alright, enough talking and let's get into, so, let me introduce my architecture: OpenZiti/ZDBC Architecture As you can see, my architecture, is quite simple. I do have my Controller and Fabric Router located in my Data Center. In my VCN in AWS I deployed a Virtual Machine with a Edge Router (I'll put...